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Cville Tomorrow News Article 

Topics: urban renewal, housing affordability, racism, public housing

Community in Turmoil: Charlottesville's Opposition to Public Housing by Christopher Combs

Academic Journal 

Topics: urban renewal, public housing, housing affordability 

The Impact of Racism on Affordable Housing in Charlottesville by Charlottesville Low-Income Housing Coalition

Report by NLIHC 

Topics: housing affordability, racism, low-income issues

Affordable for whom? What area median income means and why it matters by Emily Hays

News Article

Topics: housing affordability

In 1965, the city of Charlottesville demolished a thriving black neighborhood by Laura Smith

News Article

Topics: racism, urban renewal, public housing, housing affordability

Reform or Transformation? The Pivotal Role of Food Justice in the U.S. Food Movement by Eric Holt-Gimenez & Yi Wang 

Academic Journal 

Topics: food security/equity, racial justice


Hunger in the US by WhyHunger

Organizational Resource

Topics: food security/equity


What is food insecurity in America? by Feeding America

Organizational Resource

Topics: food security/equity 


Evicted by Matthew Desmond 


Topics: housing affordability, public housing, housing and income equity, racism 


The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein 


Topics: racism, housing affordability, low income issues, urban renewal 


The American Way of Eating by Tracie McMillan


Topics: food equity/insecurity, sustainability, racism and low-income issues


Know Your Price by Andre Perry


Topics: racism, housing affordability 


The Lost History of Urban Renewal by Alexander von Hoffman 

Academic Journal 

Topics: urban renewal, racism, housing affordability 


Public Housing: Image versus Facts by Department of Housing & Urban Development

Government Resource

Topics: public housing, housing affordability


Local Land Use Regulation and the Chain of Exclusion by Rolf Pendall

Academic Journal 

Topics: public housing, housing affordability, racism 


Urban Renewal and the End of Black Culture in Charlottesville by James Saunders & Renae Shackelford


Topics: urban renewal, racism, public housing, housing affordability 


A Place at the Table by Lori Silverbush and Kristi Jacobson


Topics: food security/equity, racism


That World is Gone by Field Studio Films 


Topics: urban renewal, racism, public housing, housing affordability


GFC's Reading List 

Take a look at some of the articles, books, and think pieces we've found the most helpful, compelling, and informative in our advocacy! This is not an exhaustive list -- if you have a suggestion for us, feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of the page! 


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